

Forests are vital to the health of people 和 the planet. 1 That is why we are exp和ing AZ Forest, our global reforestation 和 biodiversity initiative, 投资4亿美元,到2030年种植和维护2亿棵树, to restore over 100,000 hectares of l和, benefiting communities, nature 和 health.

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐认识到健康、自然和气候之间有着深刻的联系. Launched in 2020, AZ森林是澳门第一赌城在线娱乐恢复森林以帮助减缓气候变化的全球倡议, protect biodiversity 和 build sustainable livelihoods.

Alongside expert implementation partners, communities 和 governments, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在森林枯竭的地区植树, 帮助恢复退化的土地,建立社区和生态复原力. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐在巴西、印度、越南、加纳和卢旺达的新项目是这10个项目的补充.已经在澳大利亚、加纳、印度尼西亚、英国、美国和法国种植了500万棵树.At COP28, we announced an additional pledge to plant up to six million trees in western 肯尼亚.

气候变化和生物多样性丧失这两大危机正在破坏地球,危害人类健康. Through AZ Forest, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在与当地社区和生态专家合作,大规模重新造林, as well as support biodiversity 和 sustain livelihoods.

We are taking a science-based approach, AZ森林将在大约30年内从大气中去除约3000万吨二氧化碳.

帕斯卡Soriot Chief Executive Officer, AstraZeneca

Local communities at the heart of AZ Forest

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的新投资旨在将植树造林置于重新造林工作的核心位置,从而最大限度地提高当地社区的植树效益. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的AZ森林计划将可持续农林业与自然再造林相结合, giving local communities access to new sources of revenue, 和 supporting human health by safeguarding water resources, promoting food security 和 nutrition, 降低地表和空气温度,对抗空气污染. 扩大后的方案估计将给当地社区带来好处, positively impacting up to 80,000 livelihoods.

A nature-based solution to climate change

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的阿斯利州森林再造林计划是澳门第一赌城在线娱乐基于科学的脱碳战略的一部分, Ambition Zero Carbon, to achieve science-based net zero by 2045 at the latest.3 通过AZ森林,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的目标是减轻澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的残余足迹的影响,并消除澳门第一赌城在线娱乐尚未消除的排放, reduced or substituted from 2030 onwards.

By restoring degraded l和, 为濒危物种建立野生动物走廊,帮助修复河流系统, AZ Forest also enables biodiversity to flourish, whilst building resilience to climate change.

A science-led approach

植树活动由包括欧洲森林研究所(EFI)在内的独立第三方专家进行监测。.4 We will use the latest innovations in remote sensing, 高分辨率图像和长期监测来跟踪树木的健康状况, soil 和 water quality 和 biodiversity, as well as carbon sequestration.

New 和 exp和ed AZ Forest projects


In western 肯尼亚, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐已承诺种植和维护多达600万棵树, adjacent to the Rift Valley, 和 covering more than 3,500 hectares of l和. 该项目将率先使用先进的人工智能深度学习模型来分析无人机镜头和卫星图像,以监测树木的生长和健康状况, while also quantifying levels of carbon sequestration.5 The programme aims to promote long-term tree health, increase biodiversity of flora 和 fauna, 和 generate an economic boost for local communities. 


Our new partnership with Biofílica Ambipar 和 Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas (IPE) 名为“生命走廊”的项目将在大西洋森林内种植1200万棵树, with over 100 native species planned in each project area. 在圣保罗州西部支离破碎的森林之间建立生态走廊, 该计划将为黑狮狨等脆弱和濒危物种创造一个重要的栖息地, 捷豹, 美洲狮, 豹猫, tapirs 和 over 200 species of birds 和 bats. It will also create local employment opportunities.


In north east 印度, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐将种植6400万棵树,以恢复梅加拉亚邦退化的土地, supporting rural livelihoods. Working in partnership with Earthbanc 和 local implementation partners, 该项目将把重新造林原则与农林业结合起来, 帮助保护和恢复当地生态系统,为当地社区创造机会.


In 越南, we have committed to planting 22.5 million trees, including sustainable orchards for fruit 和 nut production, 精油, 和树脂, linking these with sustainable value chains. This will support improved diets 和 nutrition, 水土保持和可持续生计超过17人,000 smallholder farmers.


澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在扩大澳门第一赌城在线娱乐在加纳现有的阿兹森林合作伙伴关系 Circular Bioeconomy Alliance (CBA), New Generation Plantation Technical Assistance (NGPTA) 和 other partners to plant an additional 2.200万棵树,使幸存的树木总数达到4棵.700万年, 并在加纳中部的阿特布布-阿曼丁和塞恩西地区恢复了8000公顷土地. This community-led programme which is part of a network of “生活实验室将自然森林恢复与基于自然的小农商业模式相结合. CBA的“生活实验室”旨在展示景观恢复如何促进循环生物经济价值链的发展,同时恢复生物多样性和当地生计.


澳门第一赌城在线娱乐与联合国合作,为一个重新造林项目的发展提供了资金 Albertine Rift Conservation Society (ARCOS)造林'Action that aims plant 5.800万棵树. With the goal to be another “Living Lab”, “MuLaKiLa”项目将重点关注林地和农林业, sustainable food production 和 climate resilience. Benefiting more than 30,000 farming households, 该项目预计将成为卢旺达最大的森林恢复计划之一.



1. World Health Organization. Biodiversity 和 Health. 2015. Available at: http://www.谁.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/biodiversity-和-health. [Last accessed: Dec 2023].

2. AstraZeneca plc. 可持续性 Report 2022. 2023. Available at: [Last accessed: Dec 2023].

3. AstraZeneca plc. Ambition Zero Carbon. 2020. Available at: centre/articles/2020/ambition -零碳- 22012020.html. [Last accessed: Dec 2023].

4. European Forest Institute. How can forests improve human health 和 wellbeing? 2020. Available at: [Last accessed: Dec 2023].

5. 莫·L,等. 天然林碳潜力的全球综合评估. 自然(2023).


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